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POV of a Young, Hot Ebony



                 Being hot in this world has always been a challenge. Growing up, I always found people poking at me and pointing out negative things about myself I never even noticed. The question I always asked myself was why? I was never one to go out of my way to pick out someone else's flaws, so why were people always doing it to me? If anything, I feel called to make other people's day brighter by giving them intimate and not generic complements. I have grown to believe this is because I see in other people what I see in myself. Meaning I will call more people stunning than ugly because I do not see ugly in me. Everything can be a mirror, everything is a form of projection! This is why it is always important to consider your source about  any input you get from anyone else. For instance, if you have a friend that is always pointing out your flaws more than they are hyping you up, maybe that is just a reflection about how they feel about themselves, so don't let it get to you. Rule number one in this world is to know yourself, no drizzy. Knowing who you are is a true form of power because no can tell you who you are. If you think about, people always try to label or put you in a box. " Oh you don't have a lot of freinds, you must be a b!atch." "Oh you don't go out alot you must be boring." You see how people can try to make assumptions about you based on minor scenarios.  Think back to what I said about projection. The world will try to tell you who you are everyday, that is why it is essential to know you for you. Unfortunately, people don't realize that you don't just automatically know yourself. Just like anything great it takes time and effort. Below I will lists some tips that I personally use to learn myself and continute to grow as in individual.

#1 I Pray and practice gratitude

#2 I am kind to myself (boost my own self up)

#3 I spend time with myself to learn what I truly like to do (hobbies)

#4 I trust my intuition 

#5 I practice self awareness

#6 I always live in my truth

#7 I try not to code switch around different culturaly people

#8 I surround myself with things and people who benfit and love me for who I am


#10 I keep the family close 

I hope these few tips of mine will help or inspire you to figure out what tips you can use to remember who you are. Check back in Thursday night at 7:00 for more tips and advice about living life on MASTERY LEVEL !!





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