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Raw and Uncut

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                   I would like to start off by apologizing. If you tuned in last week, I know I said I will get back with you guys on Thursday. I know it is now Sunday, but the wait was worth it. I learned alot in the past couple of days. If you guys don't know already, I was a student at TSU since 2022. I felt so called to leave the city of New Orleans after graduating for multiple reasons, but one of the main reasons was me believing that getting out of your comfort zone and what you are familiar with will FORCE you to grow. What I did not realize at the time was that growth is never pretty. To make a long story short, I felt like I outgrew Houston in just the short amount of time I was there. I did not go to Houston to start a new life and settle down there. I went to Houston to grow and learn myself. The problem was I forgot my purpose for being out there so I began to feel stuck. When I would come home for breaks and see my friends and family, I would get disheartened and a bit melancholic. I started thinking about coming home and transfering schools but I was filled with apprehension. One reason was that I would have felt defeated. I belived that if I did not gradate from Texas Southern like I said I would, I felt that I would have lost. What I did not realize at the time was that it honstely was not the serious. People transfer schools all the time. So, one day I finally made the decision that I was ready to come home and transfer to Xavier university. I went and put in my application and left it all in God's hands. I said that if it is for me to come home, I will get accepeted and if not, God must want me to finish it out at TSU. The day before I came home for Christmas break I got an email. Sure enough, it was the office of admissions from Xavier letting me know that I was indeed accepted.
Getting accepeted into a school like Xavier is an accomplishment within itself, but I was more so overjoyed to know that my feelings about it being time for me to come home were spot on. Ever since I got my acceptance letter, the ball has not stopped rolling. That is how I know God is with me throughout this whole process. When things are effortless and you don't have to finesse and scam your way through something, that is how you know it is for you. So yes, I was delayed on writing this blog because I have been on campus all week getting all my bussiness in order for the first day of the spring semester which starts tommorrow. I am so excited to be in a new environment and around a new group of people. I actually can't wait to see some people from my high school years becase I have not seen them since. I have already made some genuine connections with a few people on campus and am excited to water and see how they grow. Stepping into this new semester, I will work on being more involved on campus by going to all the events I can. Also, by not being so closed off to new people anymore. For the longest I had friendship post tramatic stress disorder, which caused me to be really reserved and closed off. Now I have left all my fears and anxieties in 2024 and now I am not afraid to show the world who I am. Pressure builds diamonds, so I can not complain when I feel tested by people. It does not neccesarily mean I should retreat, but it is just comformation that I am doing something right. I am planning to get back with you guys sometime later in the week so I can give an update on how the new school is treating me. Stay on the lookout for my new post. Forever and ever- stargirl. 



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